Sysmex provides accurate test results and sound security by delivering high-quality products to the world. We ensure a stable supply of products and services based on our social mission to support healthcare. Strengthening supply chain management has been identified as a materiality, and Senior Executive Officer Mitsuhisa Kanagawa has been placed in charge of overseeing risk management for the entire supply chain. He has been promoting sustainable procurement, beginning with supplier evaluations and the drafting of remedial plans. Furthermore, CSR survey response rates, the number of training sessions for suppliers, and other factors were set as sustainability targets, and the status of their related initiatives is reported to the Managing Board semiannually.
At Sysmex, taking into account the importance of sustainable procurement, we identify significant suppliers through desk assessments on supplier risk. For significant suppliers that have been identified, we conduct a CSR survey annually and monitor their status of sustainability-related initiatives.
In addition to procurement costs and difficulties in substitution with alternatives, desk assessments also take into account geopolitical risks, manufacturing country risks, and competing risks in securing raw materials for the production of healthcare products* as well as CSR and environmental risks (i.e., human rights, labor practices, management of chemical substances in products, and GHG emission responses). In particular, by rapidly identifying high-risk materials, we avoided major supply issues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2023 and the dispute in Ukraine, providing a stable supply of diagnostic reagents to our customers.
For CSR surveys, we use the CSR/Sustainable Procurement Self-Assessment Tool Set developed by Global Compact Network Japan. This covers a wide range of issues such as human rights, labor practices (including the health and safety of employees), corruption, and the environment. We do not conduct business with new partners having inadequate CSR initiatives. In addition to CSR surveys, we hold management interviews with new business partners, and we undertake the same sort of initiatives for overseas partners. In particular, personnel in charge of procurement make local visits to determine the status of child labor and workplace environments in order to confirm that no problems exist. Furthermore, we review CSR survey results with buyers during the annual evaluation of business partners and ensure that supplied parts come from business partners with low-risk levels in the CSR surveys. We have been implementing CSR surveys of business partners since 2013 and of secondary business partners since 2021 with the support of our primary business partners.
Each Group company also conducts regular surveys of its business partners. Sysmex Europe implements CSR surveys of all new business partners regarding human rights and green procurement. Jinan Sysmex Medical Electronics holds quarterly meetings with its business partners to assess risks, in addition to environmental and occupational health and safety surveys. Sysmex Wuxi encourages its business partners to strengthen their environmental and safety management when carrying out periodic risk assessments.
The response rate for surveys of primary raw material suppliers conducted in FY2023 was 95%, meaning that the previous fiscal year’s high response was maintained. We also analyze the results of the CSR surveys from the previous fiscal year and provide feedback to our business partners included in the surveys. We disclose the average scores of the companies in the same raw materials category to our business partners to identify their strengths and weaknesses. For items with existing risks, we encourage corrective actions and carry forward improvement activities together.
Sysmex conducted on-site assessments of four primary suppliers in FY2023 to further strengthen suppliers’ risk management. In addition, with cooperation from Tier 1 suppliers, we expanded our CSR surveys of Tier 2 suppliers. During the four years since FY2020, we have conducted CSR surveys of 96 Tier 2 suppliers.
In conducting these surveys, we shared our knowledge regarding our survey format and aggregation tools with Tier 1 suppliers. Using the same format, we seek to reduce the burden on the Tier 1 suppliers through our CSR surveys.
Sysmex provides a quality assurance agreement that clearly states our requirements for the quality of goods and concludes agreements with business partners after confirming their understanding of our procurement policy. We perform quality assessments of supplied goods and audits of business partners regularly to ensure that proper quality control is being carried out.
Sysmex strives to strengthen its relationships with trading partners by holding annual briefing sessions for our suppliers to ensure their understanding of our business and procurement policies. At the FY2022 CSR briefing session, we introduced examples of CSR initiatives of other companies to encourage initiatives that are in line with a single company’s size. In FY2023, we hosted a briefing session for suppliers to explain our newly formulated long-term corporate vision, supply chain policies, and eco-social strategies. The session was well attended, with approximately 250 companies and 500 people.
We also hold regular meetings with overseas business partners to strengthen collaboration. Sysmex Europe periodically holds meetings with all of its business partners to check their compliance with Sysmex’s environmental and social responsibilities, as well as details of business activities. Sysmex Malaysia holds monthly meetings with local distributors to discuss customers’ needs and issues, aiming to improve product quality and customer satisfaction.
Sysmex uses an electronic procurement system to prevent undue price reductions and product returns. In October 2020, we announced a declaration of partnership building and have been working to increase added value across the entire supply chain. Additionally, in observance of desirable transaction practices between large procuring enterprises and subcontractors (promotion standards based on the Act on the Promotion of Subcontracting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), we are proactively taking initiatives to correct transaction and business practices that hinder the building of partnerships with business partners.
To enable this, the procurement departments at our domestic Group companies receive training related to the declaration of partnership building, the Subcontract Act, and the roles of companies placing orders in CSR activities. For new employees in the department, we conduct training on procurement policies, CSR procurement, and procurement risk.
In response to the Work Style Reform Law for transportation and logistics work, which comes into effect on April 1, 2024, we have stopped same-day shipping of normal temperature reagents and consumable goods and have changed to shipping the day after the order is received.* Through these efforts, we proactively address the so-called "2024 problem in logistics," such as eliminating the cargo waiting time that leads to overwork by truck drivers.