
Corporate Citizenship Activities

Sysmex contributes to the creation of a healthy society and the establishment of a vibrant community by practicing the Sysmex Way and engaging in activities based on its “Policy on Corporate Citizenship Activities and Philanthropy”.

Our Group-wide Contributions to Healthcare

Based on our “Policy on Corporate Citizenship Activities and Philanthropy”, Sysmex actively engages in corporate citizenship activities that lead to the creation of a prosperous, healthy society and vibrant communities, and promotes corporate citizenship activities undertaken by employees independently. In fiscal 2023, we offered our Group-wide program, the Sysmex Gives Back Campaign, twice from June to September and from October to January. As part of these programs, in addition to blood donations and environmental activities, we also conducted corporate citizenship activities related to health and medical care, development of the next generation, disaster aid, and the like. A total of approximately 6,000 employees worldwide participated in our corporate citizenship activities through these programs. We will continue our Group-wide efforts to promote a healthy and fulfilling society.

Activities to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness

Sysmex Corporation actively participates in the Pink Ribbon Movement, a global campaign dedicated to raising awareness of breast cancer. During October, the designated month for intensifying the campaign, Sysmex promoted a variety of PINKTOBER* activities. These included donating to the Pink Ribbon Foundation through the purchase of related goods, participating in charity walks to support cancer patients, installing Pink Ribbon vending machines in company facilities, and encouraging employee-initiated activities and volunteer participation. Employees enthusiastically engaged in these initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to the cause.

  • PINKTOBER is a unique name created in-house by combining “Pink Ribbon” with “October,” the designated month for the Pink Ribbon campaign.
  • PINKTOBER activities
    PINKTOBER activities
  • PINKTOBER activities

Our Contributions to Healthcare through Blood Donation Campaigns

Sysmex Corporation registered as a “Blood Donation Supporter Company” in fiscal 2014 and has actively led blood donation campaigns since.
We also conduct regular blood donation campaigns in other parts of the world, with many employees throughout the Group donating their blood.

Social Contribution Point Program

Sysmex has declared its support for employee volunteer activities in our “Policy on Corporate Citizenship Activities and Philanthropy” and established a volunteer leave system. It has also introduced a program to encourage employees to participate in volunteer activities on their own initiative.
Under this program, employees earn points for social contribution activities in local communities, as well as social contribution events sponsored by the company, and we make donations based on the number of points accumulated. In fiscal 2023, the points accumulated by approximately 1,000 individuals were utilized to make donations to three organizations: the Japanese Red Cross Society, the NPO Japan Heart, and the Mirai Kodomo Foundation.

Educational Initiatives for the Next Generation

As part of its contribution to the local community, Sysmex Corporation has been working to enhance local school education. Since fiscal 2022, it has delivered visiting lectures to elementary school students in collaboration with the Kobe City Board of Education, with the aim of promoting health education. Sysmex has created original content that provides opportunities for students to become interested in the human body and think about the importance of health through learning about the functions of blood, among other topics. We have also delivered lectures together with our employees who have registered for the voluntary Partnership System.
Since fiscal 2023, we have been participating in the Kobe SDGs Exploration Program organized by the Kobe Tourism Bureau to provide educational support for junior and senior high school students. With the objectives of thinking about “Exploration, the SDGs, and Careers” and providing opportunities to consider their future course, in November 2023, we invited senior high school students from Tokyo to give them a presentation on Sysmex’s sustainability activities toward achieving the SDGs, a tour of our showroom, and a career orientation workshop in which they could interact with employees. Furthermore, at our research and development bases, Sysmex has been providing educational support to schools designated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as Super Science High Schools, which offer advanced education in science and mathematics. As part of our activities to cultivate the next generation of scientists and engineers who can play an active role internationally, Sysmex has been providing educational support at our research and development bases for their students. This involves lectures on our company’s research and technologies, tours of R&D facilities, and opportunities for interaction with Sysmex researchers.
  • Classes
  • Classes
  • Classes

Contributing to Biodiversity Preservation through the “Sysmex Forest”

As part of the “Enlist the Participation of All Citizens in Creating Woodland” project promoted by the Hyogo Prefectural Government, Sysmex Corporation took responsibility for a two-hectare portion of the 17-hectare Kawai Kaiteki Forest near our reagent factory in the city of Ono, Hyogo Prefecture. We dubbed this portion the “Sysmex Forest” and aim to make it a place of tranquility for people and wildlife, through employee volunteer activities including tree thinning.
  • Sysmex Forest (forest maintenance activities in Japan)
    Sysmex Forest (forest maintenance activities in Japan)
  • Sysmex Forest (forest maintenance activities in Japan)

Sponsorship of the “Public-Private Partnership Project to Invite Hyogo’s Students to EXPO 2025”

Sysmex Corporation, in cooperation with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Kobe Steel, Ltd., is a sponsor of the Public-Private Partnership Project to Invite Hyogo's Students to EXPO 2025, organized by Hyogo Prefecture. This project invites elementary, junior high, and senior high school students from Hyogo Prefecture to the 2025 World Exposition in Japan (Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan) to be held in Osaka. The goal of this project is to provide children with unique experiences and opportunities, only available “here” and “now,” to contemplate future societies and their own futures, while also raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a Silver Partner, Sysmex sponsors one of the “Signature Pavilions*,” “Amplification of Lives,” a thematic project managed by its producer Mr. Ishiguro.

  • The thematic projects are the symbolic and representative projects of the Expo 2025, and the pavilions created by the eight specialists are named the “Signature Pavilions” as they are also “signature works” that express and deepen the themes from their own respective philosophical perspectives. The eight thematic project producers will interpret and develop the theme of the Expo 2025, “Designing Future Society for Our Lives,” from their own unique perspectives, and construct pavilions that will be handed down to the future generations.

Other Activities at Group Companies

Theme Activity
  • Supporting cancer centers and pediatric cancer research through charity events
  • Donating prosthetic hands for patients
  • Blood donation activities
  • Making donations to blood donation institutions
  • Providing COVID-19 vaccines to communities
  • Making donations to medical school funds
  • Providing massages in cooperation with a visually impaired people’s association
  • Collecting used clothes and old post cards and exchanging them for money, which is donated to developing countries to cover the cost of vaccinations
  • Collecting goods and exchanging them for money, which is donated for community medicine (use-first pay-later drug) businesses in Africa
  • Holding and participating in events to support breast cancer patients
  • Installing vending machines on Company premises to enable donations to be made for malaria elimination, and promoting their use among employees
  • Donating virus transportation media (VTM) and thermometers to hospitals
  • Providing support for costs of medical treatment for patients requiring treatment and economically challenged patients through sports charity events
  • Supporting diabetes patients through charity events
  • Making donations to projects supporting medical care of cancer patients
Welfare to foster the next generation
  • Participating in “Onigiri Action,” a food support activity for needy children
  • Providing support for school meals for indigenous children
  • Donating personal computers to villages in Sri Lanka
  • Donating to an association that supports teenage girls
  • Spending time with children in an orphanage and providing dinners and movies
  • Holding an event to provide dinner to orphans and single mothers
  • Donating daily living necessities and food to orphanages
  • Donating of books
  • Manufacturing bicycles for children
  • Donating to children’s hospices
  • Donating to support organizations for homeless people
  • Donating to day care centers
  • Donating furniture to refugee facilities
  • Donating goods and items to facilities for low-income workers
  • Holding charity events to support the independence of homeless women and children
  • Participating in volunteer activities to provide free meals
  • Constructing houses for people in need by raising donations
  • Donating daily necessities to retired military personnel
  • Donating goods and items to Ronald McDonald House, where families of hospitalized persons live
  • Conducting education to eradicate sexual discrimination in workplaces
Disaster recovery assistance
  • Making donations to activities to support recovery from the Turkey-Syria earthquake
  • Making donations to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in Ukraine
The environment
  • Recycling activities
  • Tree planting
  • Neighborhood cleaning activities
  • Activities to reduce food loss
  • Promoting environmentally friendly means of transportation
  • Participating in events to interact with living things
  • Reducing the use of plastics by distributing reusable stainless steel bottles
  • Environmental conservation activities
  • Providing support and making donations to environmental conservation organizations
Local communities
  • Supporting the safety of communities by participating in police events
  • Helping a food bank (Egypt)
    Helping a food bank (Egypt)
  • Making clothing donations through charity (The U.S.)
    Making clothing donations through charity (The U.S.)
  • Cleanup activities for environmental conservation (Malaysia)
    Cleanup activities for environmental conservation (Malaysia)
  • (Tentative) Blood donation drive (Indonesia)
    (Tentative) Blood donation drive (Indonesia)
  • Tree planting activities for forest conservation (Europe)
    Tree planting activities for forest conservation (Europe)
  • Volunteering at a water station on the Kobe Marathon course (Japan)
    Volunteering at a water station on the Kobe Marathon course (Japan)
  • Expenditures for corporate citizenship activities