
Promotion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Promotion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Supporting Diverse Human Resources in Pursuing Careers

Throughout the Sysmex Group, human resources are considered an important management resource for achieving sustainable growth. We strive to realize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), an approach that involves creating an inclusive working environment where a wide variety of people can comfortably work and receive equal opportunities.

Sysmex Corporation has a diversity promotion function that delivers related information and advocates diversity. We also conduct internal opinion surveys to incorporate the views of employees into the measures we implement. Measures implemented in fiscal 2022 included holding a seminar on unconscious bias, giving employees access to “FemTech” services* and other relevant programs, and organizing dialogues between external experts and the Company’s chairperson.
In addition to respecting and accepting diversity, it is essential to provide equal opportunities at work. We are committed to gender equity, which is a concept aimed at eliminating inequalities between men and women, as well as fostering an understanding of sexual minorities and empowering employees with disabilities and senior employees.

  • The term "FemTech" refers to technologies designed to solve health issues specific to women, as well as to products and services based on such technologies.

Stakeholder Dialogue

We organized a dialogue between Sputniko!, a person continuously active on a global level as an artist, university associate professor, and entrepreneur, and Hisashi Ietsugu, the Company’s chairperson, in which they talked about diversity management.

Stakeholder Dialogue

Is Sysmex prioritizing diversity in the sense of promoting open innovation and creating innovation through integration of various fields?

Yes. It is important how you integrate diversity. In an age of uncertainty, integrating individuality and strengths will make faster growth possible and increase a company’s competitive advantage. Integrating people with various cultures, beliefs, values, and work backgrounds is not easy. Appreciating others is extremely important and I think that this is the foundation of diversity.

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HIRE Vets Medallion Award Received

Sysmex America promotes the employment of veterans. In 2022, the company received a gold medallion in the HIRE Vets Medallion Award, a program related to veteran hiring that is operated by the United States Department of Labor. It recognizes companies for their commitment to recruiting, hiring, and retaining veterans.
Through employment of veterans, Sysmex America supports long-term career development based on diverse skills.

Andy Hay, CEO of Sysmex America, and George Johnson
Andy Hay, CEO of Sysmex America, and George Johnson, a Navy veteran and currently Senior Specialist, Talent Acquisitions at Sysmex America

Supporting Women’s Career Activities

Female managers ratio (Sysmex Corporation)

Sysmex Corporation works to provide a comfortable working environment by establishing a system to support employees in pursuing their careers while raising children, among other supportive actions. This Plan targets a proportion of at least 15% female managers among all managers (10.1% in fiscal 2022), with less than 1,950 annual working hours (2,020 hours in fiscal 2022) by fiscal 2024.* We have also set targets for the percentage of next-generation female managers and the rate of childcare leave taken by male employees to address both career development and working style issues. We are determined to continue actions to empower women in the workplace.
Our initiatives in fiscal 2022 included a seminar on unconscious bias, a training program to support career motivation, and a training program to promote understanding of the empowerment of women in the workplace for newly appointed managers.
In terms of remuneration, we are working to eliminate the pay gap between male and female employees by determining their pay based on their duties and roles, under our Groupwide HR policy. At Sysmex America, we conduct monitoring and external audits of employee categorization by both ethnicity and gender, to ensure that there are no unfair pay gaps related to either.

  • Excluding some Group companies
  • the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancemen
    Eruboshi certification is given to excellent companies based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace.
    Sysmex received Level-3 certification, the highest grade.
  • the Hyogo/Kobe program to recognize companies empowering women
    Fiscal 2022 Mimosa Company certification
    based on the Hyogo/Kobe program to recognize companies empowering women.

Understanding of Sexual and Gender Minorities and Our Response

work with Pride Gold 2022

Sysmex incorporates a rainbow flag in the profile images of the official social media account for each Sysmex Group company during Pride Month in June to demonstrate the Groupwide understanding of, and support for, LGBTQ+1 people.
In fiscal 2020, Sysmex Corporation established a partnership registration system, under which partners in same-sex relationships are recognized as spouses. In 2022, the Company also announced its endorsement of “Business for Marriage Equality (BME)” to support the legalization of same-sex marriage (marriage equality) in Japan. Since 2022, we have been involved in Tokyo Rainbow Pride, the biggest LGBTQ+ event in Japan.
We have an intranet site dedicated to this topic to deepen understanding among employees by disseminating information to broaden their knowledge about sexual minorities. Employees are also given access to e-learning materials and can borrow an introductory textbook to learn how to improve the working environment in the context of SOGI. Our other efforts include holding diversity roundtable discussions2 on the theme of “LGBTQ+ and Gender.”
Through these activities, in fiscal 2022 we earned the highest rating of Gold in the “PRIDE Index 2022,” which evaluates companies and organizations based on their commitment to LGBTQ+ and other sexual minority issues.

  • 1 General acronym whose letters refer to sexual minorities regarding orientation/gender identification (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer; the “+” represents other diverse sexualities).
  • 2 Roundtable discussions are held to exchange opinions on a wide range of topics, including work-life balance and cross-cultural understanding, as well as to provide opportunities for interdepartmental community building.

Supporting People with Disabilities

By creating a workplace in which people with various physical, intellectual, and psychological disabilities can work in keeping with their abilities, Sysmex aims to foster an environment in which everyone in the Group, regardless of disability, can work and grow together enthusiastically and comfortably.
Sysmex Harmony, a special subsidiary,* provides manufacturing support for our instruments and reagents, including packaging for instrument accessories and parts and the folding of reagent package inserts. This company is also responsible for packaging PCR test kits, which saw an increase in demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To help employees with disabilities continue to work for many years, Sysmex Harmony carries out various retention initiatives, such as assigning them to work based on their individual abilities and ensuring that they can closely communicate with their instructors through regular interviews. The percentage of our employees with disabilities was 2.31% in Japan for fiscal 2022. We are committed to continuing our efforts to increase the roles of employees with disabilities by improving their working environment and fostering a better understanding of their needs within their workplaces.
Sysmex Europe works with an organization that endeavors to support the independence of people with disabilities. The company subcontracts packaging work on the manufacturing line of its reagent factory in Germany to such persons.

  • A subsidiary that has been certified by the director of a Public Employment Security Office for special consideration in the employment of people with disabilities. Subsidiaries with labor regulations different from those of the parent company can give more consideration to the work capabilities and labor conditions of people with disabilities in their labor regulations and workplace environment, which makes it easier to increase the employment of such workers.

Seniors in the Workforce

In March 2021, Sysmex Corporation raised the retirement age from 60 to 65* following the introduction of our job-based personnel system. As we have corrected the age-related treatment gap and promoted various working styles, senior employees can now work for shorter hours and have side jobs. After retirement at 65, our employees are also entitled to work as senior contract employees until they turn 70.
We implement a Career Development Support Program as one of our efforts to assist senior employees in career development.
This program is designed to provide basic knowledge and promote understanding of the views needed for career planning. It combines e-learning, group training, and individual consultations to support participants in their autonomous career planning and specific work behavior changes.

  • Each employee can choose his/her retirement age between 60 and 65.

Diversity Education

Sysmex Corporation publishes a monthly in-house magazine called the “Diversity Newsletter” to share information with employees and promote their understanding of diversity issues. In fiscal 2022, we organized diversity roundtable discussions on topics such as LGBTQ+, support for people with disabilities, health and productivity management (e.g., mental care), paternal parenting and the revision of the systems under the Act on Childcare Leave, generation-related issues (i.e., understanding Generation Z), and the working styles of seniors. Training that encourages awareness and action to address unconscious bias was also provided. With regard to childcare, we particularly emphasize programs that encourage involvement of men in parenting. Specifically, we have organized seminars where male employees spoke about the importance of paternal parenting and how to balance work and life. We have also introduced an online seminar service focused on gender-specific healthcare (including FemTech and infertility treatment). Employees can attend seminars on the topics of their choice.
Such diversity education is provided globally in line with culture and characteristics in each region. In the EMEA region, we have conducted training to prevent discrimination and facilitate cross-cultural communication, considering the local workplace characterized by employees diverse in nationality, ethnicity, and culture.