These guidelines have been created to provide more specific requests to our business partners as outlined in
the procurement policy.
*Periodic reviews are conducted in consideration of social conditions, laws and regulations, etc.
We ask our valued business partners to:
1. Assure quality to the requisite degree for healthcare products.
The quality of parts and raw materials supplied by business partners greatly impacts the performance of our products. To ensure the highest standards appropriate for healthcare products, we require that each supplier enter into a basic transaction agreement and a quality agreement upon initiating a business relationship. This follows a confirmation that the supplier has obtained ISO 9001 certification (or has a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001) and meets our required standards.
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Establish a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001
2) Sign a basic transaction agreement
3) Sign a quality agreement
2. Build a system for reliable supply
Our products play an essential role in protecting people's lives and health, making it imperative that supplies are never interrupted. Therefore, suppliers are requested to establish a sustainable supply system to ensure a high level of responsiveness to fluctuating product demand and to guarantee the supply of products for many years to come.
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Formulate a plan for continuous supply of parts
2) Respond to change with flexibility and make constant efforts to reduce lead time
3) Take measures on raw materials, manufacturing facilities, etc. to ensure stable supply over a long term
3. Refine technological capabilities that contribute to the development of healthcare.
We seek proposals for technologies, processing methods, parts, and raw materials that leverage suppliers’ expertise. The aim is to foster technological innovation that will contribute to the development of products and services offering new value to the healthcare industry.
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Introduce cutting-edge technologies
2) Propose the adoption of new processing methods and raw materials
3) Propose new business methods, supply mechanisms, and services
4. Create stable business foundations and formulate business continuity plans (BCP).
To ensure sustained business transactions, it is essential that suppliers maintain sound business management. Suppliers are requested to disclose their management policies and business conditions (including financial conditions). Furthermore, suppliers are asked to formulate a business continuity plan (BCP) and disclose its details as necessary.
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Submit financial statements (or the first three quarters in the initial year and every fiscal year thereafter)
2) Respond to management interviews (upon request from us)
3) Formulate a business continuity plan (BCP)
・ Cooperation in surveys
・ Formulation of a plan to ensure consistent supply of parts to us
Measures against natural disasters and fire
Raw material supply system
Maintenance of facilities and succession of production skills
5. Promote business activities and CSR in compliance with the laws, regulations and social conventions of host countries.
Suppliers are requested to comply with the relevant laws, regulations, and social norms of each country and region in which they operate and to actively engage in CSR activities.
- Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, Antimonopoly Act, Subcontract Act, Act on the Protection of Personal Information, Commercial Code
- Working conditions (wages, determination of working hours and overtime, granting of leave and paid vacations, etc.)
- Occupational health and safety (ensuring the safety and health of employees on the job is a top priority, and making efforts to prevent accidents and disasters)
- Prohibition of child labor, forced labor, discriminatory treatment of employees, and various forms of harassment
- Freedom of association, freedom of collective bargaining
- Environmental laws and regulations, prevention of environmental pollution, waste management, improvement of resource efficiency, and handling of conflict minerals
- Respect for intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights
- Anti-corruption (political donations, contributions, etc. shall be made in accordance with laws and regulations, and transparent and fair relationships with politics and public administration shall be maintained. Never give or receive entertainment, gifts, or money for the purpose of unfair profit.)
- Prohibition of transactions with and provision of benefits to antisocial forces (criminal organizations and terrorist organizations)
- Avoidance of conflicts of interest
- Establishment of a compliance desk
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Collect regulatory information and comply with these laws and regulations
2) Collect and provide regulatory and environmental information
3) Take measures for occupational health and safety at plants
4) Engage in initiatives to fulfill corporate social responsibility
6. Carry out environmental management to help conserve the global natural environment
Suppliers are requested to have a clear policy and management system for the environment and to make appropriate and positive efforts towards environmental sustainability.
- Implementation of an environmental management system that complies with ISO 14001 and other standards
- Procurement of parts and raw materials with low environmental impact, such as those with less hazardous chemical substances (green procurement)
- Prompt provision of data as required by the laws and regulations of each country
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Implement an environmental management system that complies with ISO 14001 and international standards (At this time, obtaining ISO 14001 certification is not a condition for doing business with us.)
2) Implement environmentally friendly activities such as green procurement, reduction of CO
2 emissions, minimizing environmental pollution, enhancing energy efficiency, reducing water consumption, considering biodiversity, banning illegal deforestation, etc.
3) Promptly provide data on chemical substances contained in products
7. Supply products at reasonable prices and engage in aggressive cost-reduction programs.
The prices of parts and raw materials supplied by business partners significantly impact the price competitiveness of our products. To this end, suppliers are requested to ensure that the prices of parts and raw materials are highly competitive in the marketplace and to implement aggressive and continuous price reduction activities.
We request our valued business partners to:
1) Propose highly market-competitive prices for parts and raw materials
2) Aggressively and continuously implement price reduction activities
Enacted March, 2014
Revised June, 2024