Policies and Frameworks

Procurement Policy

In “Shaping the advancement of healthcare,” the Mission set forth in the Sysmex Way corporate philosophy, we deliver commitment to our business partners through equitable and fair procurement activities. We also strive to be a company that can grow in step with our trading partners in a spirit of mutual trust and encouragement.
Operating in strict compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts, and adhering to high ethical standards, we carry out consistent procurement of components and raw materials that meet the levels of quality required by healthcare providers. We closely follow these policies in our endeavors to supply products that customers worldwide can use with confidence. Similarly, we hope that our business partners will cooperate with us in the following seven areas as we continue to create and enhance unique
and creative values.

We ask our valued business partners to:

  1. Assure quality to the requisite degree for healthcare products.
  2. Build a system for reliable supply.
  3. Refine technological capabilities that contribute to the development of healthcare.
  4. Create stable business foundations and formulate business continuity plans (BCP).
  5. Promote business activities and CSR in compliance with the laws, regulations and social conventions of host countries.
  6. Carry out environmental management to help conserve the global natural environment.
  7. Supply products at reasonable prices and engage in aggressive cost-reduction programs.

Procurement Policy Guidelines

Revised March 2014