Sysmex Becomes the First in Japan1 to Realize Automated Detection of Lymph Node Metastasis of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
- Application of the OSNA® Method Expanded to Include Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Following Application for Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer and Stomach Cancer -
Blood-based RAS biomarker test now available in Germany
Sysmex Establishes New Subsidiary in Ghana
- Reinforcing the Company’s Business Foundation in the Markets of West and Central Africa -
Sysmex Opens Lab within the National Cancer Center to Promote the Development of New Cancer Diagnosis Methods
Sysmex Wins 20th “IR Grand Prix Award” from Japan Investor Relations Association
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the First Six Months of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2016 (PDF:717KB)
Announcement Regarding Differences between Actual and Forecast Figures for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015, and Revision of Full-Year Financial Results Forecasts (PDF:110KB)
Announcement Regarding Dividends from Surplus (Commemorative Dividend) (PDF:101KB)
Sysmex Selected by the Securities Analysts Association of Japan for Excellence in Corporate Disclosure and Excellence in Disclosure to Individual Investors
Sysmex Wins Awards in 2015 Kinki Local Commendation for Inventions
Sysmex Extends Funding for Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine Course
Sysmex Selected for Inclusion in the Asia Pacific Index of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for Fourth Consecutive Year
Sysmex to Open New R&D Open Innovation Lab
Sysmex to Expand U.S. Reagent Factory
- Aiming to Meet Growing Demand in the Americas -
Sysmex Launches its Next-Generation Models in the Sediment Urinalysis Testing Field, the UF-5000/4000/3000 Fully Automated Analyzers of Formed Elements in Urine
Sysmex Receives in Vitro Diagnostic Approval for Manufacturing and Sales of Three Platelet Aggregation Agonist Reagent Kits
- Pursuing Efficiency and Standardization by Automating Platelet Aggregation Tests -
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the First Three Months of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2016 (PDF:681KB)
Sysmex Completes Expansion of Reagent Factory in Germany
- Increasing Reagent Production Capacity by 50% to Meet Growing Demand in EMEA -
Sysmex to Participate in the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund
Sysmex and LabCorp Announce a Strategic Collaboration for Blood-Based Molecular Testing Services and Products to Support the Development of Precision Medicine in Oncology
RIKEN GENESIS Co., Ltd., Becomes Japan's First Registered CLIA Lab
Sysmex Accredited ISO 15195 Laboratory medicine - Requirements for reference measurement laboratories
- Initiatives toward Further Standardization of Clinical Testing and Quality Improvement -
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2015 (PDF:601KB)
Sysmex Announces Changes from Financial Results Forecasts, Year-End Dividend for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2015, and Dividend Policy (PDF:106KB)
Sysmex Announces New Group Mid-Term Management Plan
- Preparing the Company to Move to the Next Stage by Reinforcing Growth and Profitability, Investing in Growth and Promoting Transformation - (PDF:178KB)
Sysmex to Participate in "Global Human Resource Development Community" Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Program
Sysmex Signs Agreement with Cambodia's Ministry of Health Related to Scientific Support Activities Aimed at Enhancing the Quality of Clinical Testing
Medicaroid Corporation Commences Full-Fledged Development of Medical Robots
Insurance Coverage for Sysmex's Reagent to Monitor Therapeutic Gains on Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) (ipsogen BCR-ABL1 Mbcr IS-MMR DX Kit)
Sysmex to Establish the Global Communication Center as a Place to Facilitate Unfettered Communication and Prompt Ideas
Sysmex to Be Special Sponsor of the Kobe Marathon 2015
- We are pleased to have sponsored this exciting event since its inception in 2011 -
FY2014 Nakatani Award and Research Grant Recipients Announced (PDF:96KB)
Sysmex Invests in iPS PORTAL, Inc., Aiming to Contribute to Regenerative Medicine
Announcement of Organizational and Personnel Changes (PDF:231KB)
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the First Nine Months of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015 (PDF:808KB)
Sysmex Launches the CS-1600 Automated Blood Coagulation Analyzer, a New Compact Model in the Hemostasis field
Hepatic fibrosis test reagent (HISCL M2BPGi Assay Kit) receives approval for health insurance coverage
- Speedy blood sample-based test for measuring the progression of hepatic fibrosis from chronic hepatitis to cirrhosis of the liver -