
Resource Circulation in Product Lifecycle

Product Lifecycle and Initiatives at Each Stage

Sysmex undertakes a variety of initiatives at different stages of its business activities to reduce environmental impact throughout product lifecycles. From fiscal 2023, in addition to our activities to date, we are promoting activities to realize a resource circulation value chain based on our eco-social strategy, which has been outlined as one of our core strategies in the long-term management plan.

Circular Resource Value Chain

Environmentally Conscious Research and Development

Creating Smaller, Energy-Saving Products

Sysmex's product lifecycle management regulation specifies environmental considerations at each stage of the lifecycle. Following this guideline, we develop products that help reduce energy use and waste for our customers, such as energy-efficient analyzers and concentrated reagents.
Compared to previous products with similar functions, the sample transportation system modules for the hematology analyzer released in 2021 are smaller in width by 15% and use 40% less electricity. Our fully automated urine particle analyzer launched in 2022 is 30% smaller and uses 10% less of the required cleaning solution per measurement than conventional units. It also consumes 30% less electricity, realizing an eco-friendly design.
  • Downsizing: height -24cm, depth: -28cm, Footprint: 30% reduction, Electricity consumption: 30% reduction, Cleaning solution: 10% reduction
  • UF-1500

Development of Non-Animal-Derived Products (Biodiversity Considerations)

Production of ingredients using silkworms
Production of ingredients using silkworms

To reduce the use of natural resources, Sysmex Corporation has established a method of producing animal-derived proteins that can be deployed for diagnostic agents. The technique uses silkworms or cultured cells. In the past, producing these substances consumed a great deal of energy. However, as silkworms can be raised indoors and only need to be fed artificial food in containers, we can ensure a stable supply and quality of the substances. We are also able to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, water consumption, and waste.
We use genetically modified proteins produced from silkworms as ingredients for a reagent for hemostasis tests launched in fiscal 2017. This reagent, which uses genetically modified proteins as ingredients, is the first in Japan to obtain manufacturing and marketing approval.
To quantify the environmental impact of the change in the production method, we conducted a lifecycle assessment jointly with Professor Norihiro Itsubo of Tokyo City University (currently of Waseda University). The assessment confirmed that the new process reduces carbon dioxide emissions by more than 50 percent compared with conventional methods.

Environmental Impact of Switching from Conventional method to Cell Culture Method

Environmentally Conscious Procurement

Promoting Green Procurement

Sysmex has established Green Procurement Standards, which set out the Company’s fundamental stance on environmental considerations in procurement activities. We promote the procurement of raw materials and parts that have a low environmental impact. We are expanding our business with suppliers who act to protect the environment. We also conduct annual CSR surveys of each supplier to confirm that they have environmental management policies in place, as well as targets and plans for CO2 reduction and energy conservation.
At the 2023 procurement policy briefing, we introduced our Company’s eco-social strategy and asked for the cooperation of our suppliers with regard to various environmental considerations such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions. We also awarded suppliers that showed improvement in terms of environmental consciousness. In addition, to achieve a reduction in Scope 3 emissions, we asked suppliers to submit SBT applications or to set engagement targets, which require targets to be set according to SBT and obtained SBTi approval. In addition to holding briefings for suppliers, we will work with the suppliers to achieve the targets.

Chemical Substance Management of Products

Sysmex complies with the laws and regulations of individual countries and the EU, such as the RoHS Directive. At the same time, based on its Green Procurement Standards, Sysmex classifies and manages the chemical substances (i.e., environmentally hazardous substances) contained in the parts, devices, and materials that make up the products manufactured and sold into those that contain prohibited and controlled substances.

Environmental Consideration in Product Transportation, Sales, and Services

CO₂ Reduction Through Modal Shifts and Manufacturing Transfer

Sysmex has switched its means of transportation from air to sea or rail (entailing a modal shift), improved container loading rates for more efficient transportation, and reduced transportation between regions by transferring the production of reagent products to local areas. In addition, we are promoting the recycling of materials for transportation and packing used in parts procurement and product transportation, as well as lightening the load. Through these initiatives, we are reducing CO2 emissions in domestic and inter-regional transportation of products.

CO₂ Reduction with Dry-Ice-Free and Consolidated Cargo Transportation

Sysmex Corporation previously used chartered planes and other private delivery services to transport reagents for genetic testing and biochemical system-controlled substances, as they required strict quality and thermal control. However, transportation costs, distribution flexibility, and convenience became issues. Additionally, the dry ice needed for cold storage also created a safety issue due to the risk of frostbite from ultralow temperatures and poisonous carbon gases.
In fiscal 2021, together with Yamato Transport Co., Ltd., we developed a consolidated cargo transportation system at an ultra-low temperature of -70° C for reagents for genetic testing that was dry-ice-free. Furthermore, in fiscal 2022, we realized completely dry-ice-free transportation for biochemical system-controlled substances in collaboration with Toho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. We are currently expanding this initiative to distributors across a large area and deliver to users at over 200 facilities. Through such initiatives, we have successfully reduced CO2 emissions and improved safety.
We will continue working to popularize high-quality and eco-friendly cold chains.

Saving Resources by Reviewing Distribution Packaging

With growing exports of bio-diagnostic reagents from Japan, Sysmex Corporation began the reuse of plastic cold storage materials necessary for transportation globally, and we are working toward reducing waste. In fiscal 2023, we implemented such reuse in transportation between Japan, China, and Singapore, reducing waste by approximately eight tons. In addition, switching the wooden pallets used when transporting instruments to recyclable cardboard pallets made of less environmentally impactful materials enabled us to reduce packing material waste as well as CO2 emissions due to the lightened load during transportation.

Saving Resources by Recycling Parts

Sysmex began a new initiative with regard to the maintenance parts of instruments that were no longer sold or supported and had previously been discarded. Parts that were no longer necessary were collected and separated by raw material, and by selling them as valuables, we have reduced waste. As a result of such zero waste efforts, we successfully reduced waste in fiscal 2023 by 34 tons*.

  • Calculated by assuming all waste as plastic and using the industrial waste conversion factor set forth by the Ministry of the Environment

Saving Resources by Revising Packaging Materials

Sysmex is continuing to work on reforming packing materials to conserve natural resources. We have downsized our packaging boxes through size optimization and switched cushioning materials for parts from vinyl to paper. We are also promoting alternative product packaging that uses recycled and less environmentally impactful materials by switching to cardboard made from recycled used paper and reagent boxes that use FSC-certified materials.

Initiatives at Group Companies: Collaboration with Distribution Partners Considering the Environment

In its selection criteria for distribution partners, Sysmex Europe includes a certified environment management system and the use of green distribution. HITADO, a Sysmex Group company, selects distribution partners who proactively use renewable energy and electric vehicles, while Sysmex Malaysia uses reusable vacuum insulation boxes for product transportation requiring thermal management, reducing CO2 emissions by saving electricity and generating less polystyrene box waste. In addition, Sysmex Turkey stores products in external warehouses with solar panels installed and undertakes other initiatives to reduce environmental impact in collaboration with its partners.

Company Initiatives
Sysmex Reagents America
  • Replace ingredient transportation boxes with reusable containers
  • Work with business partners to change packaging for raw materials to recyclable containers
Sysmex Europe
Other affiliates in the EMEA region
  • Consider consolidation and combination of shipment/transportation to reduce the frequency of transportation
  • Use recyclable vegetable fiber for reagent containers
  • Consider the use of alternatives to polystyrene foam boxes for cold storage
  • Replace polystyrene foam cushioning materials with paper scrap
  • Replace plastic packing tapes with paper-based tapes
  • Reuse packages and cushioning materials
  • Use electric forklifts
  • Reduce the quantity of paper cartons by promoting the use of concentrated reagents
  • Use electric vehicles and expand the charging infrastructure
smex Australia
  • Utilize reusable insulated containers which enable management at the recommended cooling temperature when transporting products requiring thermal control

Environmental Considerations in Services and Support Activities

training through e-learning and virtual training

Sysmex reduces CO2 emissions associated with traveling by providing instrument maintenance, user training, and scientific seminars online in each region of the world.
In 2019, we initiated a project to reform support services worldwide and have been working on increasing the online rate of user training through e-learning and virtual training. In the newly opened training center, in fiscal 2023, we created an online studio to provide even more enriched user training.

Environmentally Conscious Use and Disposal of Products

Use of Concentrated Reagents

Reagent with 25 Times Concentration

For some analysis devices in the hematology field, reagents that are 25 times more concentrated than traditional reagents are used at Sysmex. Employing these concentrated reagents contributes significantly to improving usability by reducing the frequency of reagent replacement in laboratories and saving warehouse space. Additionally, concentrated reagents enable us to care for the environment by not only reducing the amount of disposed containers and packing materials but also reducing CO2 emissions during transportation. Lastly, we have set a concentrated agent penetration rate as a sustainability target and will work on initiatives to reduce the environmental impact.

Stakeholder’s Voice

Takahito Mihara, Manager in the System Engineering Division

Developing new products means understanding what customers want and creating high-quality products that satisfy customer needs. As a leading company in the hematology field, Sysmex is committed to high quality and ambitious goals. Because of this, we will continue to remain close to our customers and their patients and deliver products they can use with peace of mind. Environment-friendly medical instruments with high quality and usability provide added value that can satisfy the needs of medical institutions and society around the world. We will continue to work on product development that incorporates such sustainability perspectives.

  • In this report, “Sysmex” refers to the Sysmex Group as a whole. “Sysmex Corporation” refers to the Company on a standalone basis.