
Environmental Management

Sysmex Eco-Vision 2033

“Sysmex Eco-Vision 2033” Formulated

In May 2023, Sysmex formulated “Sysmex Eco-Vision 2033.” This is the long-term environmental vision that the Sysmex Group strives to achieve by 2033, in which we will take on the challenges of green innovation together with our stakeholders and utilize Sysmex's unique strengths to co-create new common standard toward the realization of a circular society. Furthermore, Sysmex has set new "Carbon Neutral Targets" with the aim of achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in real terms from the offices of the entire Sysmex Group by 2040.* We will continue to promote optimization of our operations and energy-saving measures. At the same time, we will implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including a gradual switching to renewable energy-sourced electricity at our business offices.

  • Applies to direct greenhouse gas emissions due to use of fuel by the company (Scope 1) and indirect greenhouse gas emissions arising from the use of electricity and heat purchased by the company (Scope 2)

Long-Term Environmental Vision

Long-Term Environmental Vision

Long-Term Environmental Objectives

Long-Term Environmental Objectives

Accreditation of near-term target from SBTi

Sysmex Corporation has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an international initiative working to overcome the environmental crisis on the basis of climate science, for the Group's FY2033 greenhouse gas reduction target.
As part of the "Sysmex Eco-Vision 2033," Sysmex has set reduction targets for its own GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) and its supply chain GHG emissions (Scope 3). Among these targets, the Company's target to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 55% was found to be based on scientific evidence in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while its target to reduce GHG emissions from use of sold products under Scope 3 by 35% was found to be well below the 2.0°C level. Furthermore, our newly established engagement goal was recognized as promoting 60% of our business partners in purchased goods and services, capital goods, and upstream and downstream transportation and distribution under Scope 3 to have a science-based GHG reduction targets within five years.
With the gap between the global GHG emissions reduction and the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement, it is expected that further changes in social demands are to come. Seizing the SBTi certification as an opportunity, Sysmex will continue pursuing CO2 emission reductions by changing energy procurement at business locations and how sales and services are performed while promoting resource recycling by adopting environmentally friendly materials for products. We will further promote its decarbonization efforts by implementing green innovation based on the ingenuity built by combining the wisdom of the entire Group.


Information Disclosure Based on TCFD

In recent years, climate change has begun to pose a major risk to financial markets. In December 2015, the Financial Stability Board, an international organization tasked with fostering financial system stability, established the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In June 2017, the TCFD issued final recommendations for companies to follow in disclosing the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on their corporate finances.
In January 2021, Sysmex expressed its support for the TCFD recommendations. We carry out information disclosure based on the TCFD framework.

1. Governance

Sysmex has established the Internal Control Committee as a governing body responsible for overseeing sustainability-related risks and opportunities. At the same time, the Internal Control Office, an organization independent from the business divisions and directly supervised by the President, serves as the secretariat of the Committee. The Internal Control Committee deliberates and decides on response plans for each risk area, while the Environmental Management Committee meets regularly to promote plans for environmental issues under the management and supervision of the Environmental Management Officer (Takashi Ono, a Member of the Managing Board and Senior Executive Officer). Furthermore, the Internal Control Committee monitors the status of activities in accordance with the plan and reports to the Managing Board meetings.


Adding to the 2-degree scenario implemented in 2020, Sysmex has upgraded the strategy to incorporate a 1.5-degree scenario1 and re-evaluated the associated risks and opportunities. Regarding the financial impact of identified climate-related risks and opportunities on the business of the whole group2, we have evaluated according to 3 grades based on the impact on operating profit in FY2033. For the 1.5-degree scenario, the impacts of market risk and reputational risk were evaluated as relatively high. For the 4-degree scenario3, the impacts of physical risks such as natural disasters were seen as high, and regarding opportunities, resource efficiency, products and services and resilience were analyzed as having relatively high impacts.

  • 1 IEA NZE2050, IPCC RCP2.6, etc. Scenarios assuming that increase in global average temperature will be kept below 1.5℃ compared to pre-industrial levels by taking strict measures against climate change.
  • 2 The analysis was conducted not only for the Group but for the entire supply chain including upstream (raw materials, distribution, etc.) and downstream (use of products, etc.)
  • 3 IPCC-RCP8.5, etc. Scenarios assuming that increase in global average temperature will be kept below 4℃ compared to pre-industrial levels by maintaining present measures against climate change.

3. Risk Management

Within the risk management system for the overall Group, the Internal Control Committee conducts an annual assessment of all risks and opportunities, including environmental and climate change risks, to identify risks and opportunities that may significantly impact the Group's business, thereby establishing a structure for formulating measures to deal with such risks. To ensure that risks are extracted accurately, the committees and respective departments responsible for major risk areas, along with affiliated companies, identify these risks, and the level of importance is analyzed and evaluated in terms of their level of impact and likelihood of occurrence.
In addition, the Environmental Management Committee extracts environment-related risks and opportunities, including those related to climate change, twice a year, whereupon the Committee and respective departments take the lead in implementing the necessary actions.

4.Metrics & Targets

 Sysmex has issued a “Carbon Neutral Declaration” with the aim of achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in real terms from the Group’s business locations by 2040. Sysmex Eco-Vision 2033, the long-term environmental vision drawn up in May 2023, sets targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the percentage of renewable energy. To this end, we will continually make various efforts at every stage of the product lifecycle, from research and development through manufacturing and distribution to disposal.

Risks and Opportunities

Risks1 Scenario Impact
Transition risks
  • Product supply will become difficult as a result of the prohibition of certain substances and technologies due to regulatory changes.
1.5℃ Medium-
to long-
  • RA/QA divisions have been established at each regional headquarters, and dedicated staff respond to the laws and regulations of each country.
  • Transition to materials and technologies with low environmental impact, including a reduction in the use of plastics, will add to R&D costs and CapEx.
1.5℃ Medium-
to long-
  • Product and technology development is being pursued based on hospital laboratory requirements as well as market and industry trends.
  • Energy and raw material costs, as well as global logistics costs, will increase
1.5℃ Short-
to long-
  • Energy saving measures and greater efficiency of equipment have been introduced.
  • We have introduced renewable energy.
  • Reduced cross-border transportation and more efficient logistics through wider use of concentrated reagents which has better transport efficiency, as well as transfer of production
  • Changes in customers' environmental awareness will lead to criticism of the environmental impact of our products and reduce demand.
1.5℃ Medium-
to long-
  • We have established a system that utilizes customer feedback for product development and quality improvement (VOC: Voice of the Customer).
  • Development of environmentally-friendly products such as energy-saving and smaller-size products
Physical risks
  • Large natural disasters will make it difficult to provide a stable supply of products and services.
4℃ Short-
to long-
  • We have formulated a business continuity plan (BCP) to disperse risks such as those associated with raw material supply, supply systems, transportation routes, and securing safety stocks.
  • Regional shortages of water due to drought will disrupt the stable supply of products.
4℃ Medium-
to long-
  • We are reducing the risk by periodically monitoring water-related risks and establishing BCPs.
Opportunities Scenario Impact
Resource Efficiency
  • Optimization of use of transportation methods and operations using IoT.
  • Review of packaging and product design will lower raw materials costs and waste.
1.5℃ Short-
to long-
  • Digitization of global logistics processes and promote CO2 reduction through remote services.
  • We will save resources and shift to plastic-free materials by reviewing material and packaging options.
  • Dry ice-free, ultra-low temperature transport
Energy Source
  • Reduction of energy costs through energy saving and shifting to low-carbon energy, which will improve social evaluation.
1.5℃ Medium-
to long-
  • Energy saving measures and greater efficiency of equipment have been introduced.
  • We have introduced renewable energy.
Products and Services
  • Changes in customers' environmental awareness will promote the purchasing of environmentally friendly products.
1.5℃ Medium-
to long-
  • We continue to promote environmentally friendly product development such as energy-saving and smaller-sized products
  • There will be creation of new testing opportunities and expansion of demand due to long-term disease-trend changes.
4℃ Medium-
to long-
  • We undertake new product development, such as products contributing to the eradication of malaria and other infectious diseases.
  • Our initiatives for climate change and disclosures will earn us a greater reputation and higher expectations in financial markets.
1.5℃ Short-
to long-
  • We support the TCFD and disclose environmental data via the Sysmex Sustainability Data Book and other means.
  • A stable supply of products and services in the event of a natural disaster improves customer trust.
4℃ Medium-
to long-
  • We implement a global supply system and backup system through multiple raw material procurement measures.
  • 1 Bold font: Changes from evaluation in 2020
  • 2 Short-term: 1 year; Medium-term: ~3 years; Long-term: ~10 years
  • 3 H: high; M: middle; L: low

Environmental Initiatives to Realize a Sustainable Society

Takashi Ono, Environmental Management Officer

I'm of the opinion that environmental initiatives are sources of innovation for businesses. If each business starts to think more flexibly, firmly determined to change the approaches they have been taking, I expect new technologies to develop one after another, which will drastically alter the ways we do business or manage companies, eventually changing the shape of countries and the world as a whole. After all, we all live under the same sky. I will be delighted if we can help to shape a future where businesses network with each other beyond organizational boundaries and join hands in creating a sustainable society.

Environmental Management System

Group Environmental Management System

Status of ISO 14001 Certification

Sysmex is working toward the acquisition of ISO 14001, the international standard for environmental management systems, by the Group's principal affiliated companies.
As of March 31, 2024, 20 Group companies had acquired ISO 14001 certification, and these companies account for approximately 70% of the net sales of the Group.
By centralizing the environmental activities of certain Group companies, we are working to ascertain the state of progress on activities and issues as well as reinforcing management activities, and three companies (Sysmex Corporation, Sysmex RA, and Sysmex Medica), accounting for nine locations, have obtained integrated certification. As a result, we are now able to systematically share information related to environmental management.

List of ISO14001 Certified Locations

Region Company
Japan Sysmex Corporation, Sysmex Medica, Sysmex RA
Americas Sysmex America, Sysmex Reagents America, Sysmex Brazil
EMEA* Sysmex Europe, Sysmex Deutschland, Sysmex France, Sysmex Espana, Sysmex UK, Sysmex Belgium, Sysmex Nederland, Sysmex Hungaria
China Sysmex Wuxi, Jinan Sysmex
AP Sysmex Asia Pacific, Sysmex India, Sysmex Australia
  • EMEA: Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
The applicable scope of activities and website vary according to the standard.

Conducting Environmental Auditing

In line with environmental management system requirements, we perform regular internal and external environmental audits at locations that have obtained ISO 14001 certification. In fiscal 2021, neither internal nor external environmental audits at our domestic Group locations (for which certification has been integrated) revealed any cases of nonconformity. In fiscal 2023, there were zero cases of nonconformities in both internal environmental audits and external environmental audits at our domestic Group locations with integrated certification.

Environmental Education

Conducting Environmental Education and Training

Sysmex conducts general education for all employees to foster an awareness of the impact of the Group's environmental activities and individual operations. We conduct specialized training to raise operational knowledge for individuals designated by their divisions as personnel responsible for environmental management system promotion. We also conduct specialized and emergency response training for each division, as necessary.
In fiscal 2023, we provided general environmental e-learning training for all employees at our business offices with integrated ISO certification. We also held seminars on laws and regulations for staff members in charge of business offices and those in the product lifecycle departments.