
Compliance Management

Group Policy

Pursuing Open and Aboveboard Business Activities

Based on our Group’s corporate philosophy, the Sysmex Way, and our Shared Values, we define compliance as “the conduct of open and aboveboard business activities based on the observance of laws and regulations and high ethical standards”. In accordance with this definition, we have established a Global Compliance Code, in which conformance rules and behavioral guidelines for all Group executives and employees are detailed. This code, written in Japanese, was translated into many languages so all Group executives and employees would be able to understand and adhere to it.

Compliance Promotion Structure

At Sysmex, compliance violations are considered the most serious risk that could damage our social trust. Under the Group-wide risk management structure, we have established a Compliance Committee as an umbrella organization to promote and enhance compliance.
The chairperson of the Compliance Committee promotes compliance throughout the Group as the Chief Compliance Officer. Each Group company has appointed its own compliance officer. The Compliance Committee monitors the Group-wide compliance promotion activities and their progress. The compliance promotion structure is checked by a third party from the perspective of internal control.
If there is a major compliance violation that has a significant impact on the Group or a Group company, or an event that could cause a similar impact, it will be immediately reported by the compliance officer of the relevant company to the Chief Compliance Officer. After receiving the report, the Chief Compliance Officer will report on the event to the Internal Control Committee, chaired by the President, and members of the Managing Board and Audit & Supervisory Committee. We will also disclose information regarding events for which disclosure is required in accordance with information disclosure regulations.
There were nine ethics incidents in FY2022, but none of them were deemed significant.

Internal reporting system

Sysmex has established a global system whereby all the employees of the Group can consult or report on compliance issues, including bribery and human rights abuses. 
Specifically, it has in place internal reporting desks operated by respective regional headquarters to provide consultation to, and receive reports from, Group employees in each region. We have also established a Group Compliance Hotline (GCH), where all Group employees can directly consult with or report to the Sysmex Corporation. In fiscal 2022, Sysmex integrated platforms of regional internal reporting desks and the GCH platform, which had been separately operated, to further strengthen governance.
In the Japanese region, we separately operate an internal reporting system called the “Campanula Line”, which is shared by domestic Group companies and complies with Japan’s Whistleblower Protection Act. The Campanula Line offers three routes to seek consultation or make a report: in-house, external, and directly to Audit and Supervisory Committee members. Going through the route of such members, employees can seek consultation about or make reports on compliance issues involving management.
Employees seeking consultation or making a report can remain anonymous through any of these routes. Information received through these routes is handled confidentially, and employees seeking consultation or making reports are protected from any negative consequences caused by doing so.
Information about these systems is disseminated to all the Group employees through the intranet and training to promote the early detection of compliance violations. In addition, the Compliance Committee monitors the operational status of the internal reporting system. In fiscal 2022, the number of internal reports received from Japan and overseas was 21. We conducted investigations regarding these reports and dealt with each of them appropriately.

  • Excluding the Japanese region
Internal reporting systems

Compliance Education

Providing Education on Compliance

Sysmex views employee education and awareness activities as the foundation of promoting and ensuring compliance, and regularly offers training. During new employee and rank-based training, we take the opportunity to foster an understanding of the Global Compliance Code.
In fiscal 2022, we conducted multilingual global compliance training for all Group employees in accordance with the compliance education policy shared within the Group. This ensures that employees thoroughly understand and consider the importance of compliance, the Global Compliance Code, appropriate reactions when becoming aware of compliance violations, and other necessary matters.