
Risk Management

Risk Management Structure

Promoting Risk Management by Establishing a Dedicated Committee

Sysmex established the Internal Control Committee to supervise risk management of the Group as a whole, and promotes all risk management activities, including those regarding strategic risks. The Committee is chaired by the President and its members include relevant executive officers and Audit and Supervisory Committee members (excluding outside members of the Managing Board, who act as observers). 
By regularly assessing risks involved in such areas as fair trade, compliance (including corruption and business ethics), human resources, occupational health and safety, the environment, and accounting and finance (including tax payments), the Committee identifies risks significantly affecting the Group’s operations and takes necessary countermeasures. In addition, it monitors the status of risk management by relevant committees, including the Compliance Committee, as well as individual divisions and subsidiaries, and periodically reports to the Managing Board. When a major risk that has a significant impact on the Group’s business arises, the Internal Control Committee also reports to the Managing Board to discuss how to respond, following the PDCA cycle.