Sustainability Management


The Positioning and Process of Identifying Our Materiality

Sysmex identifies materiality (priority issues) with a view to realizing a sustainable society and achieving its own sustainable growth. We verify this content on a regular basis.

Conventionally, materiality is an analysis along two axes of items of importance to stakeholders and to Sysmex. We identified this materiality in 2017. To make progress more visual and effective, we set specific targets and KPIs in line with the mid-term management plan as “non-financial targets” (renamed “sustainability targets” in fiscal 2021). We also developed action plans and activities for responsible divisions. We reviewed this content in 2021 in tandem with the formulation of our mid-term management plan.

In formulating a new long-term vision and corporate strategy, we have determined that it is important to design a strategy that is consistent with our long-term corporate strategy, mid-term management plan, and materiality, to accelerate our sustainability management, when taking into account the expansion of our business domains and the increasingly diverse and complex social environment we face. We believe that this will help improve our execution capabilities, promote dialogue, and facilitate understanding both within and outside the Company.

As an approach to re-identifying materiality, we took a backcast design based on conventional materiality. First, along with the long-term management strategy, we analyzed social and environmental trends and industry trends up to 2033, organized them as challenges for achieving our long-term vision, and identified the SDGs that Sysmex should prioritize from the perspective of their impact on social and corporate value. Based on these prioritized SDGs, we identified 14 material items in five fields with the approval of the Managing Board.

Furthermore, we have utilized the new materiality as a basis for basic strategy and to set key performance indicators in our long-term corporate strategy. We have also integrated our basic strategy with our mid-term management plan and sustainability targets, creating a style for the value creation that Sysmex aims to achieve.

The results of each strategy’s execution and sustainability targets are periodically reported by each division to the Managing Board and at management meetings twice per year, and progress is checked by the board.

In line with the progress of our strategies and changes in the environment, Sysmex will continue to provide value by regularly verifying and reviewing materiality.

Priority SDGs Materiality
3 Good Health
and Well-being
  • Resolution of medical issues through innovation
  • Improvements in accessibility to healthcare
Creating New Value for a Healthy Society2
9 Industry,
Innovation and
  • Pursuit of quality and trust
  • Strengthening supply chain management
Providing Responsible Products, Services, and Solutions2
12 Responsible
and Production
17 Partnership for
5 Gender Equality 3.すべての人に健康と福祉を
  • Increasing engagement1
  • Promotion of diversity, equity & inclusion2
  • Development of human resources
  • Promotion of health and occupational safety
Creating an Attractive Workplace
8 Decent Work
and Economic
13 Climate Action 3.すべての人に健康と福祉を
  • Resource circulation in product life cycle2
  • Reduction in environmental burden through business activities2
Reducing Environmental Impacts2
  • Corporate governance
  • Compliance
  • Risk management
  • Respect for human rights1
Strengthening Governance
     1  Newly added items
     2  Items that have been reorganized, integrated, or changed from the previous materiality