Selected for Inclusion in the Euronext Vigeo Eiris World 120 Index
Sysmex Selected for Inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for the Third Consecutive Year
Updated : Sysmex Sustainability Report 2018
Sysmex Partec’s CyFlow™ Counter System, a System to Test for CD4+ Lymphocytes, Receives WHO Prequalification
Selected for Inclusion in the FTSE4 Good Index for 11 Consecutive Years
Sysmex Announces “Sysmex Eco-Vision 2025” —To contribute to a sustainable society—
Sysmex to Launch JICA Project in the Republic of Ghana: "Collaboration Program for Disseminating Automated Urinalysis Diagnosis Technology”
Sysmex to Be Special Sponsor of the Kobe Marathon 2018 -We are pleased to have sponsored this exciting event since its inception in 2011-
FY2017 Nakatani Award and Research Grant Recipients Announced(117KB)
Sysmex Harmony Co., Ltd., Certified as Special Subsidiary Company