Intellectual Property Activities
We are also carrying out intellectual property activities to accelerate our R&D.
Sysmex is also actively engaged in open innovation. For example, we have conducted joint research on biomarkers with universities, medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, venture companies, etc., and commercialized them as applications of Sysmex’s technology platform.
In open innovation, it is important to conduct intellectual property activities in anticipation of changes in the environment. In addition to obtaining intellectual property rights, we strongly support open innovation through intellectual property activities such as intellectual property-related contracts and analysis of other companies’ intellectual property information.
Sysmex provides inventor incentive programs to encourage R&D members, the program including a patent filling remuneration system for inventors who file patent applications and a performance-based remuneration system for patent inventors who contribute to the business.
The patent remuneration system also applies to Sysmex Group companies.
To continuously generate inventions that contribute to our business, we have established an in-house patent award system to increase motivation and promote “knowledge” creation of researchers and engineers.
The patented inventions created by Sysmex are highly regarded outside the company.
Sysmex conducts systematic intellectual property training so that all of our companies and employees can put intellectual property activities into practice. We provide level-based intellectual property training so each employee can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for intellectual property activities at each stage of their career.
In addition, we regularly hold intellectual property lectures by external experts as an opportunity to review our intellectual property activities from a variety of perspectives.