The Sysmex Group participates in the Pink Ribbon Campaign, a global awareness campaign for breast cancer. October is a special month for the Pink Ribbon Campaign, and Sysmex has been conducting various initiatives as part of its PINKTOBER* activities.
During the “Sysmex Gives Back Campaign,” which is a month for stepping up social contribution activities across the Sysmex Group, we are also conducting PINKTOBER* activities.
As part of this, we are promoting initiatives such as participating in charity walk events to support cancer patients, awareness campaigns, and donating to charity funds through the sales of pink ribbon merchandise.
Going forward, the entire group will continue working together to promote the Pink Ribbon Campaign and other social contribution activities.
*PINKTOBER is an original term that combines “PINK” from the Pink Ribbon breast cancer awareness campaign and “TOBER” from the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.