Research & Development

Technology Awards

Sysmex Received the “Technology Award” for the second year in a row from the Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems, Japan, for “Development of CTC Detection System using Imaging Flow Cytometer”

Sysmex Research Team Received “Technology Award” from the Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems (CHEMINAS), Japan, for “Development of CTC Detection System using Imaging Flow Cytometer”. The award was presented by the President at the 49th meeting of the CHEMINAS. This is the second year in a row that Sysmex has received the Technology Award from the society, following 2022.
Award Details 
Title of the award: Development of CTC Detection System using Imaging Flow Cytometer 
Winners:  Kentaro Shirai, Yusuke Takahashi, Masatoshi Yanagida, Shigeki Iwanaga,
Tomokazu Yoshida  
Date of the award:  June 1, 2024  
Description of
the invention: 
To detect circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the peripheral blood of cancer
patients, the research team have developed a novel CTC detection
system that combines microfluidic technology and the MI-1000 imaging
flow cytometer, and have successfully demonstrated the detection of CTCs
from breast and prostate cancer patients. This technology is expected to
reduce the burden on cancer patients by collecting samples through
general blood sampling and to contribute to the creation of new cancer
diagnostics such as treatment selection and recurrence monitoring.  
Note:  Joint research project with Sysmex Corporation,
National Cancer Center Hospital East, and Biolidics Limited

  • Information contained in the technology awards is current as of the date of the announcement,
    but may be subject to change without prior notice.

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