Sysmex Journal International

2021Vol.31 No.2


Validation of Improved Body Fluid Mode in Sysmex UF-5000, an Automated Urine Particle Analyzer: Comparison with XN-1000


Masami TANAKA*1, Yoshifumi MORITA*1, Takashi HISASUE*1, Yoshikazu ONO*1,
Makoto KURANO*1,2, Yutaka YATOMI*1,2 and Kenichi SHUKUYA*2,3

*1 Department of Clinical Laboratory, the University of Tokyo Hospital
*2 Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
*3 Department of Medical Technology and Sciences, School of Health Sciences at Fukuoka, International University of Health and Welfare


The UF-5000 fully automated urine particle analyzer (hereafter referred to as UF-5000; Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) is equipped with a body fluid mode. The UF-5000 body fluid mode was compared with the body fluid mode on the XN-1000 automated hematology analyzer (hereafter referred to as XN-1000; Sysmex). The previous UF-5000 model measured low WBC counts due to poor stainability in samples with high WBC counts. Given the inconsistency, the sample dilution rate on the system was subsequently changed. The comparison and analysis of discrepant samples using the improved XN 1000, showed good correlation with differential WBC counts, at a coefficient of r = 0.982 to 0.997. 15/29 samples showed a discrepancy using the pre-improved method with WBC counts of ≥ 1,000/µL on the XN-1000. Of the 42 samples evaluated using the improved system, no discrepancies were reported with WBC count of ≥ 1,000/µL on the XN-1000. Based on the study findings, WBC stainability was confirmed.


Body Fluid, Body Fluid Mode, UF-5000, XN-1000, Cell Count


This article is translated and republished from the Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 49, No.4: 276–80, October 2020, with the permission of the publisher.