Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; Chairman and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) has decided to promote forest conservation by entering into an agreement to take over from the city of Ono, Hyogo Prefecture, the task of caring for an area of forest to be named "Sysmex Forest." A ceremony to commemorate the opening of the Sysmex Forest will be held on May 19.
We strive to develop our business in the healthcare field and contribute to human health, in accordance with the Sysmex Group philosophy, the "Sysmex Way." In addition to conducting its normal business operations, Sysmex contributes to the community by providing support to the Kobe Medical Industry Development Project and local universities.
In April 2010, the Sysmex Group established long-term environmental objectives to be achieved by the end of fiscal 2020, ending March 31, 2021. We are pursuing efforts to reduce our environmental impact in line with these objectives.
Also, in May 2012 Sysmex formulated its Policy on Corporate Citizenship Activities and Philanthropy, which emphasizes proactive social contribution activities aimed at contributing to a healthy society and creating a vibrant local community. In addition, we support employees' voluntary efforts to contribute to society.
The current aspect of our forest conservation activities is based on the "Enlist the Participation of All Citizens in Creating woodland" Project being promoted by the Hyogo Prefectural Government. In cooperation with the Hyogo Association of Green Space Promotion, a public interest incorporated association, Sysmex will take over from the city of Ono, Hyogo Prefecture, the responsibility of caring for a portion of the Kawai Kaiteki forest, and conduct forest conservation activities such as planting trees, clearing underbrush and thinning.
The city of Ono is also home to one of the Sysmex Group's reagent production facilities, the Ono Factory of Sysmex International Reagents Co., Ltd. Sysmex has elected to conduct environmental conservation activities in this particular area to also promote watershed protection and to help protect biodiversity.
As the forest contains a hiking course that is used by many local residents, the conservation activities should encourage interaction and enable us to promote social contribution activities that are rooted in the local community.
Going forward, employee volunteers will work with local governments and residents on planting trees, clearing underbrush, thinning and other activities aimed at making the Satoyama a place of tranquility for people and wildlife.
In putting into practice our Group's philosophy, the "Sysmex Way," Sysmex will continue to take part in global environmental conservation initiatives and promote social contribution activities that are rooted in the local community.
*Satoyama: human-influenced natural environments, or socio-ecological production landscape
Overview of the Sysmex Forest | |
Kawai Nishi-cho, Ono, Hyogo Prefecture |
Area: | Approximately 2 hectares |
Agreement period: | Five years from April 2013 (expected) |
Activities: | Forest conservation activities, such as planting trees, clearing underbrush and thinning |
Sysmex Forest