Policies and Frameworks

Global Regulations on Ethical and Transparent Interactions with Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organizations (Summary)

  1. As a member of the healthcare industry, Sysmex gives the highest priority to contributing to the health and welfare of patients. The Company shall comply with the Relevant Laws and Regulations of each country and region, and shall endeavor to establish and maintain appropriate relationships with Healthcare Professionals/Healthcare Organizations and to ensure transparency in such relationships.
  2. When providing money, goods, or services to Healthcare Professionals/Healthcare Organizations in each country or region, Officers/Employees shall comply with the Global Compliance Regulations, Relevant Laws and Regulations, and the Regulations, and implement such provision appropriately, report information regarding the provision to relevant authorities, or disclose the same in accordance with the Relevant Laws and Regulations in order to avoid being deemed as inducement to transactions, such as purchase, lease, recommendation, prescription, use or supply of Sysmex products or related services.
  3. Officers/Employees shall endeavor to understand the Relevant Laws and Regulations to be complied with when providing money, goods, or services to Healthcare Professionals/Healthcare Organizations in each country and region, and shall not commit any Violations in business activities.
  4. Any Violations or suspected Violations of the Regulations shall be promptly reported to the Group Compliance Officer, whereupon the preservation and collection of information and evidence, fact-finding, consultation with outside lawyers and other experts, etc., shall be employed. In the event of any Significant Violations, disciplinary actions shall be taken against the Group's Officers/Employees in accordance with Relevant Laws and Regulations as well as all the applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, measures shall be formulated and implemented to prevent recurrence.
  5. In order for Officers/Employees of the Group to thoroughly comply with the Regulations, the Group Compliance Officer shall establish and implement a system to regularly conduct education and training.