
Sustainability Topics

Selected as a “Next Nadeshiko: Companies Supporting Dual-Career and Co-Parenting” in 2023, for Creating an Attractive Workplace Where Everyone Can Work Comfortably with Peace of Mind

Sysmex Corporation has been selected as a "Next Nadeshiko: Companies Supporting Dual-career and Co-parenting" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). This recognizes companies which are particularly outstanding in terms of supporting dual-careers and co-parenting.
  • NextNadeshiko

Next Nadeshiko: Companies Supporting Dual-careers and Co-parenting

Since 2012, the METI and TSE have been working together to recognize companies that are outstanding in terms of encouraging women's empowerment in the workplace and designating them as Nadeshiko Brands.

In order to empower women in the workplace, the METI and TES promote efforts which support employees in “developing their career consistently from recruitment to promotion”, while “managing to strike a balance between employment in the workplace and child rearing (e.g., dual-career and co-parenting).” As such, in the FY2023 Nadeshiko Brand program, increased recognition was given to companies who demonstrated their commitment to advancing such efforts. In addition to the Nadeshiko Brand, from this fiscal year, companies that are particularly outstanding in their efforts to provide gender-neutral support for balancing both work and child-rearing have been newly selected as "Next Nadeshiko: Companies Supporting Co-working and Child-rearing”. 

Sysmex Initiatives

As a healthcare company operating in more than 190 countries and regions worldwide, Sysmex actively recruits women, has a high ratio of women in its workforce, and has worked to expand its support systems for balancing work and childcare. Sysmex also focuses on developing female leaders, setting the ratio of female managers as a key indicator of human capital. As our global business increases its ratio of overseas sales, we promote the acquisition and retention of diverse human resources and the development of diverse work styles, viewing the success of human resources that transcend nationality, gender, age, and field of expertise as a source of innovation. 

One specific initiative we would like to highlight is the recent establishment of our global HR policy, whereby we have adopted a job-based personnel system for the entire Sysmex Group, and transformed various measures based on clarified duties and personnel requirements. Promotion based on performance rather than years of service allows employees to flexibly shape their careers after returning to work, as appointments are based on ability and potential, even after childbirth or childcare. This enables diverse career choices depending on life events and values, while at the same time promoting autonomous career development.

Sysmex has also adopted a hybrid work style by introducing a "Smart Work System" for all employees, allowing them to choose when and where they work according to the nature of their work and their personal lifestyles. The system also allows for a combination of flextime, staggered work hours, and so-called "in-between work" to promote the realization of work-life balance.

In addition, Sysmex has introduced a variety of systems to actively support work-life balance, including childcare and nursing care leave systems that exceed legal requirements, "Mebae leave" that can be taken for morning sickness and infertility treatment, "Sysmex Kids Park" - an in-house childcare center located at our R&D sites -  and support for returning to work after childcare leave. Through efforts such as raising awareness of various systems to support work-life balance and educating employees about diverse work styles, the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave has increased significantly since FY2021, reaching as high as 62% in FY2022.

Sysmex will continue to aim to realize an attractive workplace where everyone can work comfortably with peace of mind, continue to grow as a sustainable company that creates both social and economic value, and work together as a Group to realize a sustainable society.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website (“Nadeshiko Brands” and “Next Nadeshiko”): 

Sysmex Sustainability Data Book 2023(Creating an Attractive Workplace p40-56):

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