Research and Development

What sort of technologies does Sysmex possess?

Examples of some of our technologies are outlined below.

What are some of your Sysmex’s Technologies?

We are involved in a host of R&D activities that combine technologies in such areas as mechanical engineering, biology and information science.
For example, we undertake Sysmex’s Technologies such as those described below.

What are your current themes of particular focus?

We are working to create testing and diagnostic technologies for realizing liquid biopsy* and aim to contribute to personalized medicine and primary care.
For details, please see the "R&D Vision and Directions" and "Sysmex’s Technologies" sections.


  • Liquid biopsy: Detection of cancer or other diseases by testing blood or other bodily fluids. This type of testing is less invasive than conventional physical biopsies.

What sort of organizations do you conduct joint R&D with?

Sysmex promotes open innovation. We are pursuing joint R&D with a variety of organizations, including universities, medical institutions, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies and venture companies.